Winners by Category:
Best in Show: Christine Alexander “Fall of Gold”
People's Choice: Marianne Huether “Out of this World”
Technical Merit: 1st Place: Andrea Turner “Mom’s Orchids” Honorable Mention: Janet Mittendorf “Sea Goddess”
Stained Glass: 1st Place: Christine Alexander “Fall of Gold" Honorable Mention: Marianne Huether “Out of this World”
Stained Glass 3D: 1st Place: Joyce Sullivan “Red Fish” Honorable Mention: Patti Hinson “Callen’s Catch”
Mosaic: 1st Place: Cheryl Widen “Hibiscus with Hummingbird” Honorable Mention: Joyce Sullivan “In the Garden”
Jewelry: 1st Place: Renee Armstrong “Deep Blue” Honorable Mention: Cheryl Widen “Untitled Pendant”
Fused Glass: 1st Place: Renee Armstrong “Canvas and Glass # 38” Honorable Mention: Andrea Turner “Orchid Blooms Platter”
Glass Painting: 1st Place: Cindy Cherrington “Red Shutters” Honorable Mention: Deborah Ellington “Places”